Sunday, December 21, 2008


Okay2.. I'm not here just for fun.. It's interesting actually.. Can write anything.. =)

The last person to tag you is..

  • my baby boo <3

Your 5 impressions toward her..

  • Most loyal girl
  • pwetty
  • ego
  • loving
  • blur

The most memorable thing she had done for you..

  • hmmmm.. overnite in melaka.. watched the sunset.. =))

If she becomes your lover, you will..

  • she is my lover. til death tear us apart.

If she becomes your enemy, you will..

  • tak baik musuh2. lol

If she becomes my lover, she needs to improve on..

  • jgn jadi pemalu ek.. =p

If she becomes your enemy, the reason is..

  • i did something wrong. =S

How do you think people around you feel about you..

  • ego, berlagak?, senyap

The character about yourself is..

  • would like to try new stuffs, get bored to quickly with things

The most ideal person you want to be is..

  • a betta man than before.

For person who cares or likes you, say something for them..

  • be the best, dont let anything break u down. i am all yours

10 people to tag..

1. my baby boo!!
2. Eera
3. tasha
4. nazierah
5. iqbal
6. ridhwan
7. hussein
8. aisha
9. nurul
10. nadia

Who is number 2 having relationship with?

  • ehem!......... =p

Is number 3 a male or female?

  • Female

Is number 7 and 10 together would be a good thing?

  • They dont even know each other

How bout number 5 and 8?

  • nope. they dunno each other

What is number 1 studying?

  • masscom

When was the last time you chat with them?

1. my baby boo!! : just now
2. Eera: yesterday
3. tasha: yesterday
4. nazierah: just now
5. iqbal: last week
6. ridhwan: last 2 weeks
7. hussein: last week
8. aisha: last month
9. nurul: just now
10. nadia: last week

Is number 4 single..

  • nope. taken.

Talk something bout number 2..

  • gile redbull. lol


  1. Who is number 2 having relationship with?

    * ehem!......... =p

    with.....AMIRUL HAKIM yeee! bkn actor twilight tu :D

  2. haha.. nasib eera jawab AMIRUL HAKIM.
    kalau i.....
    i merajuk period lagi.

  3. Hahahahaha...
    wanna me to geget u is it??

  4. alah...u geget pun ibarat kapas yg jatuh kat tgn i...hahahahaha
